ArtemisDelia - Destiny Card Reading and Tarot Reading

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ArtemisDelia - Destiny Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Novo Hamburgo

Chat with ArtemisDelia - Destiny Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Novo Hamburgo online. 5-10 years of experience in Tarot Reading. Natural born psychic, STONE (Crystal) Reader, Tarot Reader, Destiny Card Reader, Pendulum Reader, Numerologist, Life Guide. As my instruments I use natural skills given by birth; additionally I may use stones, cards, pendulum and numbers of Your birth and name. If You have any question on Work-Life (including Work-Relationship) Balance, or You need to get clarity in certain area of Life: job and career, Love and relationship, business and financials, self-development etc. You are welcome to consult me! I'll be glad to help you to get necessary answers and to find the best way in Your situation! If You want to know how Your relatioship will develop, whether he/she will come back to You and when, we can check that with a help of special reading "WIND OF CHANGE". Just click "Start Private reading"! You are welcome to read testimonials "MEMBERS SAID ABOUT ME"! If You are in doubts what he/she thinks of You and whether Your Love interest is serious and what intentions has towards You, I advice You the reading "WHEEL OF LOVE". Just click "Start Private reading"! You are welcome to read testimonials "MEMBERS SAID ABOUT ME"! If You wnat to know when You will meet Your True Love and what are the reasons You didn't meet Him/Her still, I'll do the reading "STAIRS OF LOVE" on Your situation. Just click "Start Private reading"! You are welcome to read testimonials "MEMBERS SAID ABOUT ME"! Besides, that I clarify many OTHER QUESTIONS: "When will I meet Him (Her)?" "What will happen with our relationship in the future?" "I can not choose between two people: how is our “love triangle” going to be resolved?" "When will I get married?" ... "When will I be promoted?" "Should I expect pay rise in the current job?" "Can I trust my business partners?" "Should I accept an attractive offer?" ... "When and where will I go on vacation?" "When will I finally complete the renovation of the house?" ... If you worry about these and similar questions, consult, please – I’ll be glad to answer your questions. Also I read health and pregnancy issues. Who will be born, How will a pregnancy progress, What problems could prevent conception – these and other questions I’ll answer. And, of course, the most common issues where you just need advice: "What should I do?" "How should I respond?" "When will my problem be resolved?" ... and other questions will find their decision in my cards. I work closely with 2 card systems: 1. Destiny Cards If you want to know • what kind of person is he (she), • whether he (she) tells the truth or not, • what happened in his (her) past, happen in the present and is expected in the future – in this case I’m going to choose just this deck. This is a complete reading of 26 destiny cards. My grandmother and great-grandmother had been reading in this way. I began to practice such destiny reading when I was 8 y.o. 2. Tarot "The Pictorial Key" This wonderful deck with a subtle magic aroma that immerse into the sweet world of the Soul and Space, will tell about any issue you worry about, and give wise counsel. With this card system I familiarized myself 13 years ago and successfully use it till today. 3. Sexual Magic Tarot - for Your Love & Romance questions. Any questions about my methods and experience you can ask me in a free chat. A detailed reading for you I’m going to give on a personal consultation. Did you know that Your vital energy and abillities in many aspects of Life are controlled by 7 Energy Centres, so-called "chakras"? You are welcome to read short review on them bellow. ************ Short review on Main Energy Centres of Yours (Chakras): - Muladhara Chakra (red color) is located in the coccyx area. Element - Earth. Physical body. Good developed Muladhara gives You enough vital energy. This center reflects Your Health in it's purest kind. - Svadhistana Chakra (orange color) is located in the pelvis, between the pubic bone. Element - Water. Good developed Svadhistana gives You inspiration, energy of Creation. This center reflects Your Sexuality, Emotions. - Manipura Chakra (yellow color) is located in solar plexus. Element - Fire. Good developed Manipura gives You confidence, solid ground under the feet, sensuality, social success. This center reflects You: "Me, myself and I in this big unlimited world". - Anahata (green color) is located in mid-chest at heart level. Element - Air. Good developed Anahata gives You compassion, possibility to understand others, easily maintain a good contact, ability to Love unconditionally. This center reflects Love Energy, Absolute, Unconditional Love. - Vishudha (blue color) is located on the neck under the throat, the thyroid gland. Element - Ester. Good developed Vishudha gives You ability to communicate without difficulties, faithfulness and belief. This center reflects Your self-expression in communications. - Ajna (purple, indigo color, dark blue) is located in the center of the forehead. Element - radium (Ra). Good developed Ajna gives You deep intuition, spirituality, extra-sensual abilities. This center reflects Your self-expression in communications. - Sahasrara (white, golden, violet) is located on the benevolent. Soul, Karma body. Good developed Sahasrara gives You the feeling of Harmony, unity with the Universe, Unconditional happiness, feeling that You are beloved and cared by the world. This center reflects Your connection with God. God bless You! *************************************************************************************************************** PALM READING TIPS: Before you order the Palm reading please note the next: 1. Palm reading is a GENERAL reading of your life in its different areas. It gives clarity on what you were given or destined since birth (relationship, family, talents, skills, character, health capacity, recognition etc.) and how you have managed this gifts by now, to what it led already and what it will bring in future. Being a general reading it doesn't answer specific questions like "Will he/she contact me?", "Will we be together", "Will I pass this test" etc. You meet everyday many new people, but only meaningful connections, relations find their reflection on your palms. If you want to clarify specific question from you current life, you should choose then E-MAIL READING option, or come to PRIVATE chat. 2. Make sure, please, that you provide HIGH RESOLUTION photos of your palms. What is the main goal of palmistry? To read those God created pictures which you have on your hands. Photos are there to replace your personal face-to-face presence in my room. So they have to be enough clear to see at least main 9 lines of palms. 3. For Palm reading I'd request you to take 4 pictures: 2 pictures of both palms (all fingers, both wrists should be visible as well) and 2 pictures of the edges of your both palms (side part of palms which starts near the base of little finger and goes down to the side of wrist). When you are taking pictures your fingers and palms should be maximum relaxed. 4. By rule, Oranum gives us 48 hours (2 days) to reply your request whether it's a palm reading or e-mail reading. If I ask you for the further information in order to make your reading complete, be aware that these 48 hours countdown will start again since moment YOU have REPLIED on FURTHER INFORMATION REQUEST. So if you would like to receive your Palm reading or e-mail reading earlier than within 48 hours, please make sure you have mentioned this in your request - otherwise it will be sent to you within regulated 48 hours. Palm reading is a good instrument for general guidance in life. So if you feel like you have lost yourself, concern whether you are living your personal goals and dreams or on the contrary trying to reach somebody's goals and dreams, or you are questioning yourself whether you have managed gifts given you by God since birth properly, or some talent of yours stayed unrevealed - in all these cases Palm reading is the best way to find answer. *********************************************************************************************************************** God Bless You!

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